Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pondering Passages Romans 12:1-2

Because of God's mercy and WHO he is: wise, knowledgeable, unsearchable, just, glorious.....we are encouraged by Paul to offer our very beings as living sacrifices to God.
because it is an act of worship that is holy and pleasing to God.
So this begs the question: How would my life be viewed?  Would it be holy?  Would it be pleasing? 
I think after reading commentaries and stuff on this passage I would have to say....Not so much.

What is holy and pleasing is the obedience....not the "ritual" of sacrifice.  He doesn't long for simple sacrifice....He wants a LIVING sacrifice.
As a parent my children's "sacrifices" ie) them fulfilling their duties....doing what is nice BUT....obedience when it is hard....when they don't want to....THAT is pleasing!
As a parent my child's obedience-choosing to willfully obey despite their own selfish so pleasing.  So encouraging. How much more must our obedience please God?  He is a perfect and holy and loving Father.  Imagine that....we please Him and bring joy to Him?  WOW!

So this living sacrifice thing sounds painful!
And how exactly do we do this?
I would say it is painful.  Most things that are worth anything involve some sort of pain or sacrifice.
He lays out for us exactly how to do it....
1- Don't conform to the world.
2-Be transformed.
As I think about not conforming to the world I can't help but think, "what is the world?" It is filled with sexual immorality, lying, cheating, killing, jealousy, quarreling....etc.
I'm thinking....hey maybe I'm not so bad....OOPS BUT WAIT:
The Pharisee's kept the law....AND killed Jesus...OUCH....there must be more.
This transformation must go further....maybe it means becoming like Jesus who not only kept the law...He loved people.  He loved the unlovable.  He turned the other cheek....when it hurt.  He was a friend to sinners. He gave until the point of death. He showers mercy on people.  He freely gave grace....ummmm maybe I'm not so good after all :(

Renew your mind. know your Bible and pray.  As cliche as it is...I think it may work!

Because THEN you will be able to approve what God's will is

1 comment:

  1. As always I enjoy reading your pondering thoughts.
