Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday Sweet Linda!

If you read my blog with any regularity you know that we Stewart's LOVE those Reyner's a LOT!  Today is Sweet Linda's Birthday so I just wanted to do a little tribute to her.  Linda has had a tremendous impact on my spiritual growth throughout the years.  In fact I first began a daily walk with the Lord when I began doing a Thursday morning Bible Study with her about 13 years ago.

Linda is an amazing teacher.  She is not the dynamic leader that Shay is but she is just as good of a teacher just different.  She is quiet, she is personable....when you take the time to know her, she teaches through real life examples and personal experiences.  Linda is very wise.

I have learned lessons from Linda that direct my daily life and choices.  She told me once that EVERYONE from the smallest child to the most important world leader has 24 hours in a day.  Rich or poor we all have 24 hours.  Not one minute more and not one minute less.  She said the difference is what we choose to do with our time.  How we choose to invest it.  She said we can invest it in things, work, stuff, people, relationships or eternity......but it is our choice and we can't get it back.  When it is is gone.  That is a lesson that changed my life.  TIME is a powerful resource.  I only get one chance to spend it and I want to spend it wisely.  THANK YOU LINDA!

Another lesson I learned from Linda's example was to pray and not worry.  Worry changes nothing....however by praying we have the ear of the one who can change ANYTHING.  I watched Linda pray for her kids and for me and for so many others.  I would call her with a worry or question when I was younger and her response was ALWAYS the same.  Can I pray with you about this?  and she would....right there on the phone.  Thank you for your example and for your prayers!

I also learned from Linda the most beautiful words to a hurting heart are often...."I'm so sorry."  I'll never forget her speaking those heart felt words to me and how they ministered more than all the "mini-sermons" that people offered. 

I could fill pages with what this sweet, sweet, lady has taught me.  I am thankful the Lord brought her into our families lives.  I am thankful that my children know her and love her.  I am thankful for her quiet and faithful ministry.  My life is better for knowing SWEET LINDA.

My cooking is also better.  I LOVE LINDA's Recipes.....YUMMY!!!  Some of her recipes have become family favorites.  Anytime she cooks for us......I end up needing her recipes!

Linda, I hope you have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY.  I love you and you are a blessing to me!


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