Friday, September 2, 2011

Filling my cup

Parenting is so hard.  Especially as kids get older.  I need wisdom I don't possess.  So I ask....

I wish when my life went topsy-turvey (as in....RIGHT NOW)
that I could take a parenting time out.

I wish the kids would behave and "know the way and walk there in it..."

That doesn't seem to be the way it works!

Their lives are topsy-turvey too.....and they are young.....and they are sinful, after all they are related to me! 
I long for them to be complete.  To always do right.....never mess up.....and is such a process of growth....I did not arrive at my relationship and walk with Christ overnight....I really didn't even start to have a daily walk until my 20' how can I expect my 13 year old to?  I am so far from where I need to be in my walk with the Lord....yet I expect my 13 year old to be......I'm messed up!

As morning dawns I'm drawn again to the well....
Fill my cup is empty.....fill it to overflowing
The Word so alive and active and refreshing.....
and as usual it does not return void.....

"Therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"

When I long to condem and pull out my measuring stick and point out my kids inadaquacies and their sin...
I am reminded afresh this morning...

"what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature....God did by sending his own Son."

I'm drawn again to the Father of Grace....

"God did (what the law couldn't) by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering."

Thank you Jesus!

Oh....yes....correction is necessary....
Pruning away must occur
Damage from the storm must be healed....
But oh the sweet balm of his loving grace
May I give it to my child as my Father has given it to me....
and oh may it captivate their hearts and draw them to the One and Only....
My prayer is for their hearts sweet Jesus....
nothing less....
Their behavior is of much less importance to me....
I want their hearts to be sewn together with yours.....
Whatever it takes....I ask that you get their hearts.
You are
The reason....
The life.....
The joy........
Sweet Jesus may my grace abound......Wisdom Lord....Wisdom...
May discipline draw them into a closer relationship with you and with us.
Now......I think I'll have a cup of coffee....and see what today brings....

Scripture Quotes taken from this weeks pondering Romans 8:1-8

1 comment:

  1. Just couldn't wait could you - now what am I gonna be able to blog about?
