Sunday, April 1, 2012

Why I Quit Facebook

I quit facebook this morning.  Why?  Several reasons.  I've been toying with the idea for a while.  I don't even think I fully know why.....

This is what I do know:

1.  It is a distraction from my real life.  I am easily distracted....and I don't need any distractions!  I get on throughout the day for 5 minutes here...and 5 minutes there....and 30 minutes here.....and all the sudden I've spent an hour or more of my life staring at a screen.

2.  It gives me a sense of relationship....without having real relationship.  I know what is going on with everyone....and everyone knows what is going on with me.  I don't even have to talk to anyone.  It seems to stifle real relationships.  I want real, authentic, deep relationships.  Not status updates.

3.  I get a bit paranoid.  I wonder if certain status are talking about me.  I wonder if someone is mad because they are taking what I say personally.  I worry if I am offending someone.  I worry I may lead someone astray with a passive comment.  I start to wonder why so and so didn't "like" my comment.  I don't want to be like that.

4.  I think I am more self-centered when I facebook.  I always wanted to use facebook to encourage others and to be a witness to my lost friends.  I think I have done that to a degree.  I also wanted to keep up with Andrew and what he was doing.  However there are other ways to do that without having my own account.  I have noticed that when I post I am often not focusing on others...but on myself. 

So....I disabled my account temporarily.  I don't think facebook is wrong.  I disabled my account BEFORE Bible Study tonight.....but after Bible Study I was certainly encouraged.  I don't think it is best for me right now.  I'm not saying I won't do it again.  I may....but I need a break. the question is....What about the blog?
For now I am going to keep blogging.  I may end up quitting that too.  I get quite a release from writing.....I really enjoy the blog.  I think I can share more fully in this format.  It doesn't cause me the distraction that facebook has.  I think it does give others a sense of a relationship with me....because those that read it do "know" a lot about me....but it doesn't give me a sense of relationship with perhaps I will be faithful in seeking relationships and blogging doesn't bring out my paranoia!

SO....that is what happened!  I must admit....I feel a bit empty....disconnected......strange....but I think in the long run it may lead to more connection and fuller relationships.  We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. If you keep anything, keep your blog spot. You are an inspiration to many, and I am one of those. I love reading your stories! I agree with you about facebook and am seriously thinking about disabling my account. Love you and praying with you! Debbie
