Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Finally.....a post!

It seems like a while since I've blogged.  So I thought I'd do a bit of an update....
Jack is doing well.  He's as sweet and as rowdy as ever. 
His speech teacher Miss Vanessa is just beside herself with his progress....
I honestly don't hear a lot of difference but....I guess that may be because I am around him all the time....but she is thrilled.
She is also amazed by his focus......
Hmmmm...He's going for a checkup this week and I was going to talk to the doctor about ADD.....she's amazed and I'm concerned!
So pray for wisdom for me!

Lydia is excelling in her school and dance....and her tattle telling!
She is so well behaved and such a rule follower....and thinks everyone else should get in line and behave too!
I know sweet girl....I feel your pain!
The Twinkies and Sophie have all been trying out clogging with the Little River Clogger's and they are liking it....a LOT!
It is really cute and so fun because a lot of our homeschool friends participate so I get to see my friends on Monday's and Thursday's now!

On another note Lydia lost her second tooth this week.  Although you can't tell because her permanent tooth was already halfway in.....so at least she only has one tooth taking up that spot now!

 Andrew is doing really well.  He's doing great in school.  I ended up getting a girl who graduated from our co-op some years back and has gone on to graduate from NC State with a degree in Math to tutor Andrew....so I don't have to teach his Math....it's getting too hard for me!
He wasn't struggling....but his teacher was having to devote too much effort to understanding it!
What a great decision.  He is doing well and when he doesn't understand something she does such a great job explaining.  It has worked out great because he has a study period at Co-op on Thursday's and she meets with him and goes over his lessons and new material for the week and then he does a lesson each day at home and I check them and then she looks over them.

He's been busy with school, friends, and EATING.  I think he may eat us out of house and home!
He is looking forward to our Youth Group Metamorphosis weekend this coming weekend.
He is not looking forward to his surgery the following week.  You can pray for him.  He is having his adenoids removed, his deviated septum repaired (he had a really bad fall flat on his face when he was one) and he is having his airway opened more.  The doctors think this will bring him great relief.  However it will be a full week of recovery and quite a bit of pain :(

Miss Priss is doing well.
I'll have a big update on her soon!!!!

Sweet as Ever and Sassy as can be!!!  AGH!

And the Baby.....is beside herself.....It is almost her birthday and she is sooooo excited!

I can NOT believe she is going to be FIVE!
I must say.....I love having kids that can dress themselves, buckle themselves, wipe themselves, clean up their dishes themselves, pick up their rooms themselves...WHEW!
With this independence and age....has come a LOT of NOISE.
Oh my word......do they fuss!  They didn't use to fuss much but lately.....they have been FUSSING!
Now that everyone is tucked in for the night and Randy is working on school the quiet almost hurts my ears!

And our sweet buddy Lincoln!
Oh how we enjoy him!
Such a fun and sweet addition to our day....and now that he is on the move....he is keeping us on our toes!

It is really nice to see how the kids love on him and are always anxious for him to come!
I even had to come up with a rotation for who gets to sit beside him in the car!
My kids don't agree on much....but one thing they do agree on is that they LOVE Lincoln!

In other news....we've been hard at work in the yard...prettying up the front porch for spring.

Putting out new mulch in the flower beds, cutting grass, pulling weeds, spraying the driveway that started to grow its own crop of weeds....The Twinks and Linc helped plant the flowers!

Daddy comes home for lunch most days and the kids LOVE it!

This is how my boys do school.

Notice the difference in the twins approach to their studies!

These are candid non scripted shots...

It is hilarious now....at the time a bit annoying....
but now so funny....they are sooooooo different.

One was born for school....

Loves reading, writing, math, worksheets, grading papers for me....

The other literally HATES school.  Crawls all over the table....Wants to play, tackle, build, run, create, talk, go outside, work (LOVES to take out the trash!)

YES they are twins....exactly opposite in EVERY single way....
and yet for the life of me I couldn't tell you my favorite.
I love them both so much!
Their strengths, their weaknesses, their personalities.....

They do have a few things in common....they love each other, they love stuffed animals, they love to snuggle, and they love to dance....and I think that is just about it!

We've been busy living life...nothing too exciting....yet it is always an adventure!


  1. i just love your family...and your blog updates! :)

  2. Love your post Kim! Love all those kiddie too! What a blessing you are to your family.

  3. great update! Miss seeing y'all and we live 2 minutes away! Maybe this summer will be the one we don't just say we're going to get the kids together more...maybe. :) See ya Sunday!
