Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Big Day at the Stewart House

Today was a big day at the Stewart house.  After about 6 years of speech we are D-O-N-E!!!

Sophie started speech when she was 3 and spent about 3 years in therapy.  She had Apraxia of speech and she also had a fabulous teacher.  We would go twice a week.  I would go to her office at 9:00 every Monday and Wednesday.  Andrew was  8 and would have his school work.  Sophie was 3 and would have her lesson.  The twins were 14 months and would tottle down that long hall.  Falling over each other and I would be carrying a diaper bag, newborn Audrey, a bag of toys and sweating profusely.  Those were the days!  We have come a long way.  Right about the time Sophie finished speech.....Jackson started.  Whew!


Jackson graduated from speech today!  He has had 2 different speech teachers over the last 3 years. He had a different teacher twice a week for about a year and a half and it just didn't seem like he was making much progress.  We took a short break and tried again.  This time we got Miss Vanessa!

 He loves Miss Vanessa.  She has come twice a week for about 18 months.  It will be so different not having her come each week.

I asked him how he felt about speech being over and he said he was, " happy to be done with all that hard work for his mouth but that he was going to miss Miss Vanessa."

Well said Jackson.

I am soooo proud of Jackson.  He also has Apraxia of Speech.  His was diagnosed as severe.  However his speech is now 95% intelligible.  When we started it was about 20%.  
He has worked HARD!
He still has some work to do on his R but that will come with age.

Miss Vanessa surprised him with a bag of candy and gum and pencils and stickers along with a little compact mirror.  He loved looking in her mirror while he talked and watching his lips.  Now he has his own!

Thanks Miss Vanessa!

This is how happy Jackson is that he is done:

YEAH Jackson!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am sooooo proud of you Jackson! You have worked hard and you have made so much progress! Well done!
