Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Blessings

This stomach bug was a doozey!  I HATE being sick....especially if it involves vomiting.  I just hate it! So last night was pretty much a nightmare.  From 10 last night until about 4:00 this morning I was one hot mess.

I felt much better this morning but I was worn out.  So I spent the whole day in bed and Randy was at work.  Let me just tell you my kids were a BLESSING!

The kids got their own breakfast and Sophie helped Audrey.  Andrew made lunch for everyone.  They all took their math test.  They took out the trash.  They did two big loads of laundry.  The little girls made cards for me.  They snuggled me.  They checked in on me.  Andrew and Sophie really kept the house running today.  It was SUCH A BLESSING to me.  I was so proud of them.  I was able to rest.  I was able to focus on getting better.  AND I FEEL SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!  This bug is bad....but it is also mercifully fast!

So being sick was a bummer but seeing my kids help and care for me was such a sweet blessing!

Grateful to being feeling well!

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