Thursday, October 27, 2011


I haven't blogged much about Co-op this year.....because I keep forgetting to bring my camera and take pictures.....well today.....I finally remembered the camera....although I kept forgetting to use it!  So I'll give you what I've got.

Today was a LOOOONNNNG day.  We were busy and I'm glad we aren't like this everyday!  All the little ones were tired out from the fall festival last night and they had to get up early to get to school so they were pretty exhausted and cranky by the days end and so is Mommy!

I got up about 6:00 and got everything prepped for the day:

Then I got myself ready and finally woke up the troops....

Everybody got dressed.  Ate cereal for breakfast.  Brushed teeth and got on shoes.

Then they started to play Wii while I did little girl hair for school.

While I ran around doing last minute stuff and packing lunches etc. The boy took care of walking and feeding the dog while the girl volunteered her sandwiches making services:

So glad to have a sweet helper.

Then we all loaded up and were off to Co-op

We got there on Time!
So from 9-4 we were all in school.  Here are the pictures I got.

Little guys in music/devotional time.  Carved Jack-o-lantern.  Read story about being like a Jack-o-lantern for Jesus.  Sang this little light of mine.

Littles in Language.  Sequencing a story they have been reading.

The Girls Art Class

Pumpkins were definitely the theme of the day....

Although we had some spider webs too!

Littles at nap time

The Girl's Science Class busy experimenting!
Love the teamwork!

Preschool Playtime

Girls sharing the swings

Waiting turns

After Co-op we ran home.  Got everyone changed.  Said hey to Randy.  Left The Boy and The Twinkie Girl with Randy and Took The Girl, The Twinkie Boy, and The Baby with me.

The Baby had dance

Twinkie Boy and The Girl had Basketball Assessment/Sign up

In the van and headed home....FINALLY

Drive thru Dinner

And the mess of a too busy day!

Yes.....REALLY.....this is my real life mess!

Well lucky for them Friday is not only a school day.....but also the STEWART FAMILY CLEAN THE HOUSE DAY!

and lucky for me.....I have a fun adults only night planned for tomorrow AND Saturday and I am sooooo EXCITED!



1 comment:

  1. Ooh, can I come over for clean the house day? Sounds like a blast:). And next up on your blog: tips for getting 5 kids to clean the house! I am all ears:)
