Monday, October 7, 2013


So....How come I'm not blogging as much as I used to?  Hmmm.....I don't know. 

I think because a lot of reasons.......

Life doesn't fit in a blurb on a page.  It is too full.  It is too complex.  It has too many layers.  It's not simple. 

Life is precious and vulnerable and can only be shared authentically with a select group of people.  Too much openness with everyone can cheapen the real relationships in life.

I'm enjoying my life a lot of the time and feeling overwhelmed  and lost in my life some of the time and the beautiful thing is that I have people in my life to share it with and to vent to and I don't need my online journal in the same way that I once did.

I've also learned that when you write something're done.  You can't explain it anymore.  There is no additional context.  No answering questions and no correcting misunderstandings and so I don't write things as freely as I once did.

We've also been busy.  Like everyone else on the planet. 

Busy eating cupcakes with friends.

Busy learning.



Savoring life.

And we have been busy with some music lessons and dance classes and football games and doctors appointments thrown in just to keep life interesting.

So I may not blog as much, but I am living more....and I like it!


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