Monday, October 14, 2013

The Great Weight Update.... weight loss is now officially DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!

In the last month I lost.....drum roll please.....was 1.8 pounds.  Yep....That is it. 


I think there are several reasons:

1.  I have been at this for 16 months.  My body is getting used to the loss and I have a lot less to lose so naturally things will slow down.  I mean I have lost 88.6 pounds!!! That is a lot of change!

2.  I have stopped my super demanding exercise routine in favor of a much gentler and normal exercise routine.  I hurt my ankle pretty badly and whenever I try to run the pain comes as a throbbing reminder to STOP.  So....I am not burning nearly the calories I was burning which means I have had to make tremendous dietary changes.  UGH!  It also means my weight loss has slowed down....

There is no way around it...if you eat less then you burn you lose weight.  If you don't you don't!

So....I am going easy on myself.  I still have 15 pounds to lose before I am the correct weight for my height.  So barring a growth spurt, I'm not done losing yet!  Yet I am not on a time table.  I am still losing weight, be it a snails pace!  I am still eating a lot less then I used to eat and making MUCH healthier choices!  I am still working out....except now it is more like:
Tuesday-elliptical for 30 minutes
Thursday-walk with a friend for 30 minutes
Friday-run/walk for an hour
Saturday-walk for 20 minutes
Sunday-elliptical for 30 minutes
But compared to my former life this is great.  No, I am not running 9 miles, and yes that makes me sad, but I'm doing what I can do for now. 

I am still destroying food as an idol...every. single. day.  I am talking, praying, feeling, walking, thinking, writing.....and not nursing everything with food....which was my idol of choice.  I don't mean to make it sound simple.  It is not.  It is a daily and sometimes moment by moment reliance on the Lord and his truth. 

Weight loss really is a journey.  Sometimes on the fast tract and sometimes on the scenic tour! Ahh..

My focus is divided in many ways right now: Grandma's daily care, my children's daily care, discipline and disciplining and education.  Not to mention coping with a couple learning issues with my kids, loving my husband, serving my church, helping the poor, cultivating relationships, taxing kids all over creation, AND taking care of myself.  So I can't focus ONLY on losing weight and exercising and what I am eating......

It is not all about me and my weight loss.  The Lord has really helped me destroy the idol of food and comfort and I do still struggle with these areas....but he is faithful!  I do not want to make another idol.  As Dr. Davis says, our hearts are idol making factories.  They really are.  If not bout comfort.....that won't work......I know exercise....if not about dietary restrictions.....everything in moderation.  Such. a. journey.

So...I've had a healthy breakfast  I am resting my bum hurts!  I've made grandma coffee and started the kids breakfast and spent time in the word and I wish I had run a few miles....but I'm going to rest.  I'm going to keep at it.  Slow and steady and hopefully next month I will have lost a few more pounds...but now it is time to feed, and teach, and train my kiddos and tomorrow I hope to hit the elliptical!

I can tell you this....I like being healthy.  I like testifying to the work God has done in my life.  I like learning and growing and racing and running and training and living!

Still swimming....just veeerrrrry s-l-o-w-l-y.....


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