Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Laughs for the Day!

     My kids.....Oh, How I love them!  They drive me crazy...but they also delight me, entertain me, teach me.  I am a blessed woman!

A few funnies from our house lately....

     Lydia, who loves Polar Bears and has a huge collection, has a favorite bear named POLEY (pronounced Pole and then E).  She has also taken up reading EVERYTHING and ANYTHING including tags.  A few weeks ago she wondered aloud why so many things were made of "POLEY ESTHER".  We had a nice chuckle and when we asked her exactly what she thought "POLEY ESTHER" was she said, "polar bear fur".  Why didn't I think of that?

     Now my kids aren't the only funny ones......we spent a weekend at the beach with my brother and his kids and they were all a riot!  My dad, better known around here as Pa, arrived a day after the rest of the crew.  So when he arrived we all sat down to catch up with him.  He said something to me followed by "Sweetie".  Audrey turned and looked at him and said,
"Why did you call her sweetie?  You are just a friend." 
We laughed so hard and then assured her that it was okay for Pa to call me sweetie because I was his little girl.  She was stunned.  How she has missed this over the years I have no idea....but now she knows!  All the cousins were interested in learning who was related to whom and how.  After she finally had it down she announced she hoped that this year she could become an uncle!  Now Joshua, her cousin, refers to her lovingly as "Uncle Audrey!"

     Jackson went to Andrew's football game with Randy last weekend.  A mom of one of the boys on the team, who also goes to our church, was in a covered tented area cooking hot dogs for the game.  Randy and Jackson waved hello and went on to the game.  A few hours later Randy was chatting with our youth minister, when someone asked has anyone seen, Mrs. _________________?  To which Jackson quickly replied.  "Yes, she is in the tent cooking with some man who is NOT her husband!"  We did clarify afterwards that while we do want to be very careful not to give any impression of impropriety (and she was not) that it is in fact okay to cook at sporting events with other peoples husbands!
Love my boy!

Finally, today on the way home from Weight Watchers Lydia was complaining of a stomach ache.  She didn't feel good and thought she may throw up.  Audrey without cracking a smile said, "Do you think you might be pregnant?"



  1. Needed this laugh tonight--thanks for sharing! Never a dull moment with that bunch, huh? :)

  2. hahaha!! These made me laugh out loud at my desk :) Thanks for the funnies. I can only imagine what similar stories I will have in the future!

  3. I "live" with this family and just laughed so hard, my stomach hurts and I think I may be pregnant!
