Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Warning.......Read at your own risk!

Yesterday we jumped into the van to run a quick errand to the bank.  Jackson decided to torture his sisters since he was sandwiched between them in the back seat of the van.  He likes to do that when he has a captive audience.

WARNING.....If you want to stop reading do so now.....this is gross.

Okay I warned you....

So Jackson started picking his nose and showing his treasures to his sisters.  Saying...."who wants some eggs?"  "Fried eggs!"  "Yummy....do you want some?"

Audrey and Lydia started telling him to stop.  They told him he was gross.  They assured him no girl would ever like him....etc.....You get the picture!  Fun, loud trip to the bank!

Jackson remained undeterred in his efforts to gross out his sisters.  He kept picking....and showing....and calling them eggs????

At this point Lydia starts dry heaving.  This tickles Jackson so he doubles his efforts.  I'm about to interject my two cents and stop the mayhem when it happens.....

Lydia stops dry heaving and throws up ALL OVER JACKSON.....NICE!

Some things just take care of themselves :)

Now Jackson is outraged...screaming....disgusted......Lydia is crying.....and Andrew and I are laughing...hard.  I know....but he so had it coming!

You can just imagine how happy Jackson was to learn that he not only was covered in vomit but he was also elected to clean it up.....GROSS! 

Yep....next time: Keep your boogers to yourself!

You're welcome for sharing this.....I couldn't help myself!

Hope your day is booger and vomit free....but if not at least you'll have a fun story!



  1. What a laugh! Now I'm debating on whether to share the story with the kids...don't want any reenactments!

  2. I only have one word for this: OUTSTANDING!!! Your kids are so great!
