Friday, July 6, 2012

Red, White, and Blue

Now Jesse was most definitely not at camp....but he did happen to be over hanging out one day last week and he and Andrew both came out and played with the camp kids a bit.
The kids LOVED it!
The rest of the week they were asking for Jesse and Andrew.....but once was enough for these guys!
They decided for Day 2 they would hang out at Jesse's house!
Thanks for your help are both awesome and the kids LOVED you!

This week at camp was a short week....just Monday and Tuesday!

Mindy decided she should go swimming too!

We made cool red, white, and blue tie dye T-shirts

We ate yummy snacks...

involving ice cream

It was HOT!

They did play a little Wii...

But mostly this week involved water....Go KNOX!

Stella and Lincoln loved their little pool....especially when the big kids would drop in for a visit.

This week involved lots of slip and slidding

Lots of water balloons

Lots of sunscreen

It was a fun week.

Wait....what happened to the babies????

The kids spent HOURS outside running and playing and they were pooped!