Friday, May 11, 2012

Life Goes On.....

One thing I've noticed this week is that when the world seems off kilter.....
and seems to be spinning out of control.....
Life goes on....

Babies still need to eat....

They still laugh!

They still smile....

Celebrations still come!

Messes are still made..

Sometimes....dailiness can be a bit too daily....

But sometimes dailiness is exactly what I need.

I was talking yesterday to a wise man....and he was telling me about how we are kind of like cups.  On the outside we can look all pretty and then life bumps us.  When we are bumped the inside spills out.  Sometimes what is inside is surprisingly good and sometimes it is surprisingly bad and sometimes it is exactly what you expected.  But the bumps bring out what is really there.


It's been bumpy round here lately!    Some people have been bumped HARD and I've been splashed with their love not their Bible verses used as weapons....I've been splashed with their understanding....not their condemnation.....REFRESHING!
Jesus has spilled out of people and washed our family.....such a blessing!
As I look around I see some ugly. I see some sad surprises and it hurts deeply. Some ugly was very well masked. It hurts.
OOPS  so easy to see others hard to look inside.
Yet I'm not called to look at the speck in my neighbors eye....I'm called to look at the plank in my own.


I've been bumped too.  It's bringing up the dross.  It's bringing up the ugly. 
I think if when you're bumped you decide to adopt a new favorite life verse, about dumping hot coals on your enemies head by loving may have some issues :)....GUILTY!


I think if you get so outraged at people who you define as legalistic that you start to fantasize about fashioning a whip and going into the church....err....I mean the temple.....then my heart may be in need of purification! Just tryin to keep it real. The truth is he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.....yes he brings freedom but he also brought the law I so often hate.  Therein lies the rub.

I think it no co-wink-y-dink....that I just studied James.....
He is ever so faithful!

Redeem this sweet Jesus.  Restore the ancient ruins.

How does healing come after hurt.....the work of forgiveness.....

Forgiveness is a choice.  Yet I am commanded to forgive.  Immediately.  Everything.
Forgiveness does not mean there are no ramifications.  It does not mean life continues on as before.   It begins with a crisis. 
It often involves changes that are painful but necessary. 
 Forgiveness does mean you are choosing not to hold the sin against the offender.
It is a process that often may have to be restarted as oops.....I messed up again...I'm rehearsing the hurt again....I'm talking about them again.....thus the process.
So thankful we get do overs!

Again grateful we just did a whole unit on forgiveness.  Thankful to know what forgiveness is and what forgiveness isn't.

I'm also thankful for my Baby.....This girl is FUNNY!
She makes the craziest faces.  This week I was often found with tears streaming down my face....
And Audrey.....

was busy making me laugh!

Such a sweet and funny blessing!

And Lucky Ducky Sophie Girl.....
Her Birthday happened to coincide with this painful week....
And in my mother's heart.....I couldn't bear her disappointment.  I couldn't stand her tears.
So I bought her way too many birthday presents.
What is a Mama to do?

Life goes on.

My prayer now is one for healing and for restoration!
He IS able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine.
He IS working.
He IS good.
He DOES have a plan!
May he be glorified!

Thank the Lord it is FRIDAY!!!!


  1. I LOVE the picture of the three youngest being silly. So sorry you've had such a hard week. Hated to have a sick week and miss Sophie's party. Hope we can talk Sunday! love you!

  2. Your mama loves you sweet girl! Your daddy too!
