Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well if at first you don't succeed try and try again...right?  So I'm trying my hand at blogging once again.  As everyone who knows me, can testify, I am no techno guru....so setting up this blog was no easy job! As I said earlier...this is my second go round.  My first blog was on the homeschool blogger and just about a month after I set it up they had massive changes to the site and everything was changed....which overwhelmed this old fashioned girl....so that I'm trying to startup again really is nothing short of miraculous!

ANYWAY...Quick intro....I'm Kim.  I'm a married, homeschooling mom and those five cute kids pictured above are mine.  Instead of putting all our info out here I'll introduce them this way:
The oldest boy....is known as THE BOY he's 12.
The oldest girl....is known as THE GIRL she's 7.
The blonde with curly hair....is known as THE BABY she's 3
The two kids left.....are known as THE TWINKIES (they are twins)  aka. GIRL TWINKIE, BOY TWINKIE.  They are 4.
My husband is Randy!

This week has been CRAZY.....Everything is starting back.  After a wonderful summer break we are back to school, gymnastics, Awanas, Youth Group, Basketball, Guitar, Odyssey of the Mind, Co-op, and for some crazy reason I agreed to lead a Mom to Mom Bible Study.  So my plate is full!!!  I hope to use this blog for several reasons:

1. As an encouragement to other mom's who are in the trenches with me!
2. As a memory book/journal for me and my family because sometimes everything just goes by too fast.
3. As a way to vent, release, think......writing is very theraputic for me! 

So here I go again!


  1. Yay! I'm adding you to my reader!

  2. Thanks Kellie! Your about me inspired me....I tried very hard not to plagerize! I have really enjoyed reading your blog. If your life and my life ever slow down I would love to learn how to make the adorable hat you made for your GIRL! I think you are amazing!

  3. Hi Kim - Nice start! Love the picture.

  4. Love reading your blog Kim! You're amazing!!!
