Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You're Invited!

One of things I am most excited about this year is a new start to pondering.  Last year Shay led a group of "ponders" through some GREAT scriptures.  It was so neat to see how God would allow me to learn so much each week and how personal and applicable the passages always were.  So I thought it would be the same this year.

However Shay decided to mix it up a bit!  This year we are going to ponder the book of Ephesians.  Sometimes we will read one verse sometimes more and then we think about it and ponder on it. He will post his thoughts on it each Friday. Sometimes other ponders that blog will also post on it.  This year he is also personally working on becoming a better prayer and going to share that process with us as well by posting on Wednesday's.  I am so excited....Why?

1.  Because Shay and Linda (his wife) are some of my most favorite people on earth.  This is his brain child so I obviously want to participate.  Why?  Cause they are awesome and real and legit.....you can read more about them here:

A Rabbi, Sweet Linda, and The Lesson

I'm of the opinion you become like the people you hang around....so I like to hang around them.

2.  Because Shay and Linda and Christy (their daughter) had what could have very well been a fatal accident over Christmas.  You can read the details on their daughter Christy's blog.  It seems to have had a huge impact, understandably, on them and I think what the Lord is going to do through them as a result is going to be a blessing to those around and so again....I want to hang around for the journey.

The Scooter Accident

and click here if you want to see the beginnings of how God is using this in Shay's life:
Lessons Learned the Hard Way
and part two
Lessons Part 2

3.Because I grew so much in my understanding of scriptures last year.  When I slowed down to ponder and didn't just try to get it done the Lord REALLY was able to reveal things to me personally.  I truly believe time in God's word is the best spent time.  It is not wasted....it is an investment.....in yourself....that will benefit so many around you!  My kids often tell me how mean I am and I assure they are right....can you even imagine if I didn't spend time in the word?  I would be even more of a nightmare!

4.  Because I need a plan or I'm just random.  The structure of having a weekly plan helps me.  Otherwise I'm all over the place.  I'm too ADHD.

5.  It's easy.  You don't have to pay.  You don't have to find a babysitter.  You don't have to show up at a certain time.  Yet it does have a community element in the postings and the comments and the commonality of sharing the study of scripture together. 

So that my dear friends is my best sales pitch....and Why would I try to sell this?  BECAUSE it is sooooo good!  I promise you will not be disappointed.

So you can see a more detailed plan....when we start......and how to follow along.....by clicking on the link below:
Pondering and Praying in 2012

Whew that was a bunch of links.....anyway......You're Invited!



  1. DITTO!!!!! I'm right there with you. But about you being mean...there's not a mean bone in your body! You're a great mom and I'm glad to know you :))

  2. Can I hire you to do ALL my promo work?

  3. Thanks Debbie you are sweet. And yes Shay you know I will!
