Monday, August 15, 2011

What a Day!

So today had the makings of a great day at school......

I had a lot of "fun" type stuff planned....

We were finishing up our Delaware Memorial Suspension Bridge.  We were going to play a Jeopardy game testing our new knowledge of Connecticut and Delaware.  We were going to continue with our reading of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, We were finishing up planning for a brochure we are making to entice European settlers to come and settle in the New stuff....creative stuff....hands on stuff.  We did have all the regular "boring" stuff too: a Math Test, some worksheets, Phonics lessons, tutoring, spelling, vocabulary lessons, math lessons.....and of course reading etc.

Our day was going along so well....and then it happened.  What happened.  Life. 

One of my younger children, who shall remain nameless, went CrAzY!  I must say absolutely crazy!  And our school came to a screeching halt.  I spent ONE ENTIRE HOUR dealing with defiance.  Yes....ONE HOUR!  I'm not talking a little defiant....I'm talking RUDE, THROWING, SPITTING, YELLING-defiance!  Really???  Are we STILL dealing with this?  Unfortunately....yes.

I try to be patient.  I try to be calm.  However, I will not tolerate disrespect and defiance.  I was boldly challenged this morning and everything in me wanted to cave.  Everything in me wanted to do what was easy and pacify and distract and placate.....but I knew this was a defining moment.  My child was clearly saying who is the boss?  And so I needed to answer them clearly.  Thus ensued a battle of epic proportions....ugh! children may be the death of me :)

I have no idea how I birthed such strong willed, hard hearted sinners!  My mom may have a few ideas.....but boy oh boy......they are bringing up the dross and the ugly in my heart!  Stuff I didn't even know was there! 

Parenting is hard. hope is that it will be worth it.....after AN HOUR of Very Consistent and VERY firm discipline and after this unnamed child cleaned up the mess they made (think dog water and dog food thrown throughout the kitchen and you will get a glimpse of my morning) and after they had re-fed the dog.....and finally sat to listen to the story (yes the fit was over not wanting to sit quietly and listen to a story I was going to read....they thought they should be able to play upstairs instead-they are still adjusting to being in kindergarten) this child did sit and listen quietly.  When we finished the story I asked him to stay and talk to me while the other kids went upstairs and he climb on my lap and hugged me,  unprompted by me he said he was sorry for not obeying and thanked me for disciplining him.  ??????  Really!  I couldn't believe it.  The same child who was an absolute terror 15 minutes before and screaming how terrible I was and how much he hated me just thanked me?  He is one sweet mess!
But there is hope!
And today that hope is enough to keep me going. 

I am glad I am here to see and to deal with this ugly sin.....not just theirs but mine!  It is so not fun!  It is so disappointing!  This is such a journey!!!

Thanks for letting me vent!  Roomtime is almost over and I'm hoping this half of the day goes better then the first half. 

Better run....I'm an hour behind :)


  1. When will Randy ever learn to act his age !?!?!

  2. Something definitely went right if you got a thank you! Hang in there. I think you are going to see a great work in this sweet child:)
