Monday, June 28, 2021

Day 1

 I woke up early, around 4:20am, to the dog vomiting.....Nice.  After that I was not able to go back to sleep so I cleaned that up and made coffee.  I started the dishes that were not started last night and picked up stray cans that were littering the den.  Then I sat down to begin this long neglected blog.  

I ordered another book.  Evidently quarantine has birthed a house full of readers.....Then I began to plan. It didn't take long.....planning for what we are not going to do.  Planning for appointments to cancel and meals to make....

I decided to make blueberry lemon scones....and drink more coffee.  Randy and I talked and scrolled our devices.....made exciting plans to save up for a new air conditioner for the downstairs.....we are hoping we have a year or two left on this one.  

Then I got dressed for my big day at home.  I chose my "jungle" shorts because they have a fun vacation vibe and threw on earrings and sunglasses to the top my is looking a bit overcast.  I made my bed and tidied up the downstairs and my bedroom.  It's only 7:00......I think I'm going to read a bit.

I'm reading Deadline  by Randy Alcorn. I like it.

The kids started waking up and we made some bacon and eggs to go with the scones.  After breakfast we laid around a bunch and played on our phones, watched TV, and talked.  

Then I made some tuna salad for lunch

I was exhausted and took a nap....

After naps we decided to homeschool Audrey in the fall too.  Jackson was pulled out of virtual school in the winter to homeschool and it has been great!  Since I work full time now homeschool will look very different than it did in our early years.  But Randy can work from home now and we can hire out all the classes so we started looking at options.  

I went for a COVID test.  Just to be sure.  I'm vaccinated, but wanted to be sure.  My test was negative.

I let Audrey practice driving in a nearby neighborhood.

Then we went for a walk at the river behind our house.  That was fun.  

We ordered Sushi for dinner and had a family movie night: Greenland.

Then it was bedtime.  Day 1 was pretty good.

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