Sunday, June 27, 2021

Day 0

 Well we've had a goodish week.  I've been working at the summer Read to Achieve camp at my school and running kids here and there and nursing broken hearts, and cleaning house, and planning for camp and vacations and dinner.  I got to have dinner out with some girl friends and I ordered a new book we are going to read through together, I've gone shopping for camp.  I've cheered at swim meets and sat around the pool trying to learn to parent better and how to not simply survive 4 teenagers.  Kids have had sleepovers, worked VBS, been to the pool, played basketball, had friends over until all hours of the night, babysat, cut peoples grass, gone out to eat.....basically we've been all over Durham, with all of our favorite people.

Then.....we found out we were exposed to COVID.

We decided late Saturday to have the kids tested for COVID, because we learned that a couple of the kids had been exposed.  So the kids, who were asymptomatic, were tested yesterday.  Three kids were negative, one kid and I are vaccinated and asymptomatic and were not exposed, so we did not test.  One child tested positive.  

So begins our quarantine..

Once we found out yesterday, we notified everyone that child had been in direct contact with in the previous days.  It was tearful and it was tough.  We sat on the porch and spent a lot of time on the phone.  We processed what this quarantine would mean for our family.  We notified our church and our employers.  We mourned the loss of our much anticipated summer camp.  We brainstormed ideas of what we could do during quarantine.  We analyzed each sniffle and each headache.  We ordered another book.  We prayed we would all be well for vacation and senior trip.  We counted the blessing of having a beautiful spacious home and yard to quarantine in.  We canceled appointments.  A few angry insults were lobbed.  Correction was offered.  Hugs were given.  Goodnights were said.  Everyone retreated to their rooms and cocooned in, sad and sorry and wondering what our week would hold.

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