Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Not much of a Weight Update

Well this is my first post of the new weight loss year!  It has been another month!!!  I must tell you I was nervous about this weigh-in because I have been on vacation for 11 days this month.  I have been eating out a lot...but the key I think was the exercise.  I am getting to the end of my 10K training program and I am having some long runs.  So that really helped off-set all my eating!
It has been a super slow weight loss month.  When I left on vacation I had only lost .4 pounds.  I don't know what is going on.  I don't know why my body seems to be holding on to the weight.  I am still overweight.  I am still diligently following the plan.  It is frustrating.
So yesterday as I stepped on the scale I was very nervous that I was going to have a net gain for the month.  So I was thrilled to see that I had somehow lost a pound while away on vacation.

The grand total for the month.....down 1.4.  I am only averaging .4 per week this month.  SOOOO SLOW!  At this rate it will be 53 more weeks before I reach my goal!!!  Oh well....I can promise you this....I will keep right on going!  IF I pick up the pace to my average 1.5 that I have averaged for the year then it will only take 14 more weeks.  I am hoping that my body is on some sort of a plateau and that I will start losing larger amounts of weight soon, but I am going to keep right on going....because I do know this....even little amounts over a long time add up!  So far I am down 83.2 pounds.

One of my goals this year is to be braver.  So each month I am also going to try to do something that stretches me.  So this month I decided to risk a unicycle ride across the beam of a museum.  They assured me that unless I jumped out or weighed more then 300 pounds then I could not fall. still required a lot of bravery on my part.  The bike would wobble....whew!

I was scared....but I did it anyway....and it was fun!
Nerves of Steel indeed!
Hopeful that next month I will have bigger lossses to report!


  1. You are amazing! Love your steadfastness and bravery! You are a light to many! Love you Kim!
