Saturday, September 29, 2012


Crazy Week.
Jackson had yet another dentist appointment on Monday morning.  Only one more left!  Andrew had yet another orthodontist appointment on Monday morning...... and for the FOURTH time we unable to do the scheduled procedure because the appliance had not arrived....really???  What a waste of time!  Sorry I'm a bit frustrated! I hate having appointments on Monday mornings.  I need to stop scheduling them! It feels like I start the week behind. 
Then Monday-Randy lost his car keys....which is a whole other story......and the girls started complaining about not feeling well.  I figured they had the cold I had just gotten over and they needed to toughen up and get busy with school.  We were already behind for the week!  So you can just imagine how great I felt when I finally took them to the doctor on Wednesday and found out that they all three had strep throat!  Uhmmmm......yep......I guess I won't be getting Mother of the Year this year either!  Ahh....What a week!  And I just told you about my stuff.  Some good friends and a dear family member have had much more go on.  So I'm thankful my issues are so small.  Yet my heart has hurt for them a lot this week too.
It has just been a full, and draining, and unproductive week!
Randy did take off work and stay home with the girls on Thursday so I could go to co-op.  THANK YOU!  Thursday night we did get to go out and celebrate my sister in law Rhonda's birthday!  The BIG 4-0!!!!!  That was fun!
It looked like everyone was doing well.  The girls had gotten in 4 does of medicine and I had big plans for playing catch up on school Friday.............
Then Friday Lydia woke up polka-dotted and I-T-C-H-Y! 

What a trooper!
 Looked just like chicken pox and it was ALL OVER HER!  So back to the doctor we went!  I'm racing to the appointment....and I do mean racing....when Lydia announces.....that she forgot a very important under we went back home-finished dressing and started out again......the WHOLE way there Lydia is having a NON-STOP monologue.....focusing on what do I think she has "Charlotte fever or chicken pops".  Love that girl!  I never even got to make my prediction because she talked NON-STOP!  Well I'm very happy to announce....neither.....It was hand, foot, mouth.....and it's highly contagious....YEAH!  So far no one else has spots (thank you Lord!).....but I'm keeping my eyes peeled!
So me and the 4 youngest have been hunkered down for the weekend.  Changing out closets and watching movies. 
First we sorted......
Then we boxed
Then we organized the closets
It was nice to accomplish something!  It was also fun as I hung up clothes and boxed up clothes and sorted clothes to think of all the people who have blessed us with clothes.  My children's closets are all full and I bought VERY few of the items there. 
Sophie's Closet
Jackson's Closet
Lydia's Closet

Audrey's Closet


Most of the clothes are sweet blessings from precious friends! 
So thankful for the blessing of gently used clothes
Friends who are willing to share them!
This week has felt like I've been running really fast and getting nowhere! 
It wasn't a bad week. 
It was just one of THOSE weeks. 
Ready to try again! 
Come on Monday!

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