Sunday, September 2, 2012

OUCH!..............the update

I just want to update this blog post and say the person who wrote that comment came to me and VERY humbly and VERY sincerely apologized.  They did not mean for their words to wound.  They were flippant.  They were not directed at me or my kids.  They were truly grieved at causing me pain.  I must say that takes a very big person to do that.  This person is a wonderful person who loves the Lord and messed up.  They asked for forgiveness.  I have forgiven them.  Words hurt but they also have the power to heal. 

Words can hurt. 
I recently read a twitter from someone who HAS met me and my children that said, "every time I meet a homeschooler I remember why I will never homeschool my child." 
Are my kids that bad? That strange?  That repulsive?  That unacceptable?  That dumb?

I spent a while just wondering......wounded. 
Why did they say this? 
Why did they have such a bad reaction to all homeschoolers?

Then I remembered words from my Mama...."consider the source."

 I realized it doesn't matter what this person or any other person or even what I think.  It maters ONLY what God thinks.  People will judge me.  People will judge my children.  Thats the one that really hurts!  It doesn't make them right. 

I think if they said, "every time I meet a homeschool mom I realize why I will never let my wife homeschool."  I could have handled that easier.  But when you talk about a Mama's kids.....that hurts!

The person that said this is young.  They probably just made a rash statement or reacted because they were hurt or angry.  I have certainly done that!  They may really feel that way.  That may truly be their experience. 

Then I remembered how I have met many homeschoolers over the years.
YES....some are what the world would call strange.  Yes....most don't act like their peers.  Yes....homeschooling is different.
However.....I'm okay with that. 

I may not have the coolest kids (although I think they are super cool!)  I may not have the most popular kids.  But that is okay.  That is not my goal.  My goal is to raise godly kids.  My goal is to build family relationships.  I DO NOT THINK that homeschooling is the only way to do that.  However, I do think homeschooling provides a unique forum for having lots of time and lots of influence, which can help make these goals easier. I DO NOT think there is a right/wrong way to school your children. I am not against public school or private school.  However I do know that God has called US to homeschool.  So it is the way we are going to do it.  My goal is not to raise children like "everybody else".  If that was my goal then I would agree that yes....I may have failed.  I do not think my kids are better then anyone else's kids.  I spend all day with my kids.  I am VERY aware that they are sinners.  However, I have devoted my life and my time to homeschooling and raising my children.  I have given up opportunities to make money teaching other peoples kids to stay home and teach my own.  I KNOW the world does not understand this.  I KNOW people think I should do more with my life.  Make more of a difference in the world.  I am aware!  However  being their mom and teacher has been the pleasure of my life.  So yes this persons words hurt.....A LOT.  They confirmed the lies I often whisper to myself.   But you know what.  The opinion that matters is not one person with limited knowledge and experience who wants to judge a whole category of people.  What matters is the creator of the universe and what he wants for my family.  What matters is what he thinks.  What matters is if I obey him.  I am not called to please others.  I am not called to be cool.  My identity should not be wrapped up in what others think of me and my precious, overly exuberant, slightly strange, homeschooled kids.  My identity is in Christ alone.  I am called to obey. 

I am also reminded again of the power of my words and my prayer is that I will be ever mindful of my words.  Words have the power to wound and judge and divide or they have the power to encourage, unify, and build up others.  I pray I will use my words for the later.  It hurts to be judged. 


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