Monday, December 26, 2011


Okay....its the time of year I get extra thinky.....I'm always sorta in my head but this time of year especially.  If you read my blog regularly you know I'm a planner.  I love plans.....however the Lord's been working on me.

I am becoming more and more convinced of the frailty of my plans...and I am becoming more and more convicted to live MORE INTENTIONALLY.

I am pretty intentional in my parenting and marriage and such....but I have had an epiphany......I wrote a few weeks ago a blog called MORE....longing for more.....wanting something big.....not satisfied.....seeking purpose.  This is what God is showing me:

He doesn't call me to do anything big or miraculous.  That is his job.  My job is to say yes to him.  My job is to walk with him and sit at his feet and love others.  That is it.  I just need to walk the path he leads me to and I need to LOVE.  I am called to love.  Love my children.  Love my husband.  Love my family.  Love my people.  Love my neighbors.  Love my extended family.  Love my enemies.  Love strangers.  Love those who need love.

So that is my goal for the year:  To say yes to him.....if he wants to wreak my life and my plans and my dreams and my agenda....YES is my answer.  I figure if I follow HIS plan... the adventure he has, the plans he has, the purpose he has- is going to be so worth it.  While I wait and live and follow- my job is to grow and to learn and to love. 

I'm not special and I'm not super....I'm a regular, sinful, person who God rescued from hell by his grace.  My goal is singular....whatever HE wants.  That is the only more that will satisfy me.

If you are inclined to pray for me....Pray that his will and his path will be clear....because I can be a bit clueless sometimes.....I need flashing signs and such!

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

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