Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chores, Chickens, and the Chillren...

I have had some busy bees around my house the last few weeks.  All four little ones have been BEGGING to do chores.
What is the secret.....Mrs. Rebecca.....think Mary Poppins meets Mother Teresa....and you will have a glimpse of Sweet Mrs. Rebecca.
Mrs. Rebecca is a mom/teacher at our co-op.
I love her and my children adore her.
Mrs. Rebecca planted a dream in the hearts of our co-op kids to help buy a Christmas Gift for children in other parts of the world that were poor and actually NEEDED things.
However-she wanted the kids to EARN their money.  She thought it would mean more to actually work for the gift they were going to give.

So they've washed windows

They've swept floors....
They've done laundry...
They've sorted silverware....done dishes....dusted....cleaned toilets....all sorts of chores.
For each chore they got one dime.
Each child earned 11 dimes.
They put all their dimes together and they bought a small starter brood of chickens from
Samaritans Purse.
These chickens will be given to a needy family somewhere in the world.  They will reproduce more chickens....They will provide food-eggs-everyday for the family....and they will provide income...from selling extra eggs.
Once the brood is well established the family will donate a starter brood to another needy family.
It is the gift that keeps on giving!
The kids are SOOOO excited about their gifts.
I love that Mrs. Rebecca planted this vision to work for others and bless others in their sweet young hearts.  
May God bless her richly!
So that has been the highlight of the week-today was the big day! They turned in all their dimes and counted to see if they had enough money to buy a brood and they are thrilled....they earned enough money to buy the chickens!
Praise the Lord!

On a less exciting is the rest of our week:
The kids are making decorations for a little Charlie Brown Christmas Tree they found in the woods behind our house.  They strung Froot Loops for the birds to eat.  We are going to have some hyper birds jacked up on sugar in our backyard!

It also doubled as fine motor workout of the day for Twinkie Boy!

The little ones treated me to several excellent puppet shows....They were quite cute!

They re-discovered their finger puppets when we unpacked our Christmas decorations and were very excited about them!

Randy and the Boy had a basketball game.  I apologize for the poor quality of these day I am going to own a fancy camera....but for will just have to bear with me :)
Randy is the assistant coach for the Boys middle school basketball team...and they both are enjoying it....a lot!

I wish I had some better pictures!

It was a good week.
Still no news on the job front....maybe soon.....keep praying!
Hope you all have a great weekend.



  1. Love the post and grateful to Miss Rebecca for planting seeds in fertile soil. God bless you!
