Saturday, March 23, 2013

Born Dirty

Well today was the big Dirty Girls mud run!  
I have been REALLY nervous about this run.  

It was a 5K with 13 obstacles along the way and it was a blast!

My friend Kellie invited me to run with her and some other ladies from church about a month ago.  I ignored her.  It was WAY outside my comfort zone.  Then she asked again......

So I said okay, with MUCH fear and trepidation.  I was not worried about the running.  I was very concerned about the obstacles.  

However, they were not a problem.  It was a total blast!  I had more fun this morning then I have had in a LONG time.

Our team name was Born was based on Romans 3:23.

Made Clean.  

We arrived early.  
We met up with our team.  

We got our free T-shirts!!!!


We shivered...and went to the bathroom a LOT.  
We posed for pictures.  

I looked and looked for Randy and the kids.  I came to the race early with Kellie. Randy was coming at race time with the kids.  As time drew near I got nervous he wasn't going to make it.  

But he made it there in perfect time! 
He not only made it to my race on time with the kids and their snacks,
but he had also already run 6.2 miles! 
He is the bomb! 
It was a special day for me!  
Lydia had even made a sign!  
 She held it up at the race and cheered for us!
My favorite part of the race was when I would run by my kids and see them yelling and cheering for me!  

So sweet!

I was proud of myself for stepping outside my comfort zone and taking a risk.  I feel like relationships grew.  My confidence grew.  I had a fantastic time.  It was a super great day!  
Thankful for family and friends who were by me every step of the way!

Already recruiting runners for next years Born Dirty race team. 
I think I talked my Mama into joining!!!!

Finished off a great day with a visit with my parents and dinner with friends.  
Perfect Day!


  1. Perfect ending to a perfect day....I agree. Enjoyed spending time with ya'll tonight!

  2. Sounds great, Kim! Go you for being brave enough to try it!

  3. I hope to join in next year! Good job!
