Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm so Thankful!

A (Big A)  I am thankful for THE BOY....he is thankful he is done with Spanish for the week!  The boy is becoming THE MAN. He is growing so quickly and I love seeing who he is becoming.  He is facing fears, making good choices, and learning and I LOVE MY BOY!  Our family would not be the same without him!

a (little a) I am thankful for THE BABY.  She is thankful for her new big girl bed!  She was the BIGGEST surprise of my life (I was nursing twins AND on birth control....I know TMI).....and although I was VERY overwhelmed (I had JUST had twins....they were 4 months old!)  She has turned out to be the cherry on top of our family.  SWEET, COMPLIANT (usually), CUDDLY, JOYFUL.....MY BABY DOLL!  So glad that God had a plan different then mine.  I cannot imagine my life or our family without her!

I am also thankful for
B The BABY'S Big Girl Bed.....THANK YOU MOM AND DAD your cleaning out to move has been a HUGE BLESSING to us!!!!

C I am thankful for Co-op

D I am thankful for DADDIES!!!!  My Daddy and my babies Daddy!  LOVE YOU BOTH!!!

and DRESS UP because they both make our days so much happier!

E I am thankful for Eternal Christ Jesus my Lord.

F I am thankful for FAMILY!  I am so blessed that ALL of my grandparents are still living AND Randy's grandmother's are both still living.  THE BOY and THE GIRL also are blessed that they got to know and love GRANDPA HALSEY (Randy's maternal grandfather) before he passed away.  What a gift to know 7 great grandparents and have them ALL living in the same city so you can see and know them!

and Friends.....awww....I LOVE my friends.  They are my sanity and my support and my encouragement.  Friends really do make life more bearable.

G I am so thankful for God's Grace. I am also thankful that God has begun to give me a tiny understanding of just how much a gift grace really is.  THANK YOU JESUS! Now I pray I can extend grace cause boy has it been extended to me.

H I am thankful for "HALSEY K"  (not his real name just a funny nickname) aka TWINKIE BOY (also not his real name :)

This boy is my snuggle bug!  He loves kisses and hugs and talking and has NEVER met a stranger.  I could eat him up!  LOVE MY TWINKIE BOY!  He is very laid back and go with the flow.
He is squishy and lovey!  Our family would not be complete without him!

I I am thankful for In-LAWS.....particularly mine.....They love me, they love the kids, they raised an amazing son.  They are WONDERFUL to us!  I love them all Randy's parents, siblings, their spouses, and kids, grandparents!  The whole crew!

J I am thankful for JESUS!!!!

K I am thankful for Kids!  They keep me laughing... like when I discovered our stairwell had been redecorated in magnetic letters or our ficus tree had been mended with bandaids!  Hmmm....I wonder who did this?
L I am thankful for..........
THE TWINKIE GIRL!  She is spunky!  She is FUNNY....she is NOT shy.  She LOVES people and loves them without strings attached and holds nothing back.  She will tackle random preachers at church (sorry Marc and Shay) and will love on EVERYBODY.  She feels EVERYTHING deeply.  She loves deeply, she is wounded deeply, she is offended deeply.....she is going to keep us on our toes and our family would not be the same without her special spark!

M I am thankful for Mama!  She has taught me so much!  She has been a mentor to me.  She is AMAZING!

and of course N
These Grandkids have NO IDEA how blessed they are!
and one more N

This is Mrs. neighbor growing up!  She is the original mom to 5!  I loved living next door to her and loved growing up with her kids and she is what I will miss most when my parents move next month!  I love you Mrs. B!

O I am thankful for the Ocean.  It is my most favorite place to go!

P I am thankful for Pastors!  Pastor Chasteen, Al, Shay, Marc, Jason!!!!  I am thankful for how you guys have spoken into MY life and encouraged me to grow in Christ.  I am also thankful for how you have spoken into MY MAN'S life and been not only his mentors but his friend.  AND I am THANKFUL for the prayers, the intentional love, and investment you've made into my kids!  I LOVE YOU ALL!  I am also thankful for your WIVES who are AMAZING and whom I am honored to call friends.  I love your wives and they have each (Scarlet, Jean, Linda, Joan, and Charity) blessed my life and I am a better person (and cook....thank you Linda for ALL your recipes!) for knowing and loving them.  I am also thankful for your families what precious people they are and I smile whenever I see or hear or think of them!

Q I am thankful for Quesodellas. (sorry can't spell)..especially Peter Lilje's YUMMY!
R I am thankful for RIDGECREST....cause it ROCKS!
S I am thankful for......

THE GIRL!  She may be one of the kindest and gentlest soul ever created.  She is a treasure. She is soft spoken and she is tender hearted and she is tough.  My girl is a hard worker and she is so loving....she finds it hard to express her feelings sometimes but if you take the time to know her she is a GEM!  Our family would NOT be complete with out her gentle, sweet spirit.

T I am thankful for TENTS and Tea Parties because they are just FUN!

I am thankful for U
UNBELIEVABLE technological when THE BOY goes on a middle school retreat......

and is faced with his biggest fear....heights....and high ropes courses and zip lines which he has spent his entire life avoiding
and decides to take an UNBELIEVABLE RISK and face that fear!
I don't get to just hear about it.....I get Nathan Smith to email me photos just moments after!!!!!

V I am thankful for Vacations! In fact I think I could use one!
W I am thankful for Washing Machines!  I can't imagine my laundry issues without one!
X I am thankful that I don't have one!
cause I do have the BEST man on EARTH!!!!

Y I am thankful for the letter because it is how you say (although not how you spell) one of my favorite words.  I love to ask why!

Z  I am thankful for Zebras.....I guess....that really is a hard one....but they do show how creative God is...
And I am thankful for so much more!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week.  We really do have sooo much to be thankful for!


  1. Wow, Kim! What a great post & what an amazing writer you are! Love that you blog & have a record of you & your wonderful family! Love those Stewarts!

  2. precious :) Thanks for sharing! And YES, we do have a lot to be thankful for. And just so you know, I am thankful for you and all the Stewart clan!

  3. I thought "D" was going to be for DEBRA. Bummer!

  4. D is definitely DEBRA.....except I put her under F for Friend! I LOVE DEBRA!!!!!

  5. Excellent. That was a lot of pictures. And thanks for the shout out in your post. I feel special.
