Monday, September 6, 2010

My Birthday!

Wow what a wonderful weekend I've had.  I have been spoiled and loved on and just so blessed by my sweet friends and family.  It all began Friday evening with a cookout with the Randy's parents, grandma, and his sister's family.  We enjoyed a yummy dinner on their back porch and the cousins all got a chance to play together.  We had a good time.

Saturday Randy and The TWINKIES and THE BOY went to Home Depot to pick up a few things for some projects at the house...and I got to take THE GIRL and THE BABY on errands: Goodwill, Library, pick up a gift, Walmart, Teacher Store....AND we had a yummy girl lunch at a local sandwich shop.  It was so much fun!  I always enjoy spending time with the kids in smaller groups so I can really enjoy them.  The girls had fun too!

Saturday Night my parents babysat and Randy and I got to go out to dinner with a few couples to celebrate my birthday.  It was fun to get together.  We talked and laughed and talked and laughed.  It was wonderful and refreshing.  I'm so thankful for the gift of friendship!

On Sunday the celebrating continued.  Randy and the kids treated me to lunch at my favorite lunch spot.  Saladelia's!


THEN we got to spend the evening at Mama's.  We ate another YUMMY meal.....My Mama can Cook:

Mama had everything decorated.  She always makes us feel so special.

My sister Stacy made my favorite cake (chocolate with white icing) AND she made personalized cookies for all the kids.  The kids LOVED the cookies and I LOVED the cake.  Thank you Stacy!

My grandparents were able to join us for dinner too.  I LOVE spending time with my family!

The highlight of the evening was firefly catching with Daddy!

Then today: I woke up and Randy had gone to Brugger's to get me breakfast.  Then I spent some time reading (one of my favorite things to do), I took my time getting ready and then went shopping alone.  It was nice.  I had several gift cards and really enjoyed spending them!  When I got home I started painting THE TWINKIE GIRLS room (which is something I've wanted to do for a long time) and then went out to dinner with Randy's parents.....I'm going to POP from all this eating!!!  I am so blessed to have such loving friends and family and I really had a wonderful birthday. 

Hope you all had a WONDERFUL long weekend.  Can't believe tomorrow is Tuesday.  I better get to bed soon!


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